Comic Couch Episode 44
Better Late than Never...
On this week's belated episode of the Comic Couch we, in honor of the NFL, draft our own Super Teams! Who will go first? who will end up on the bottom of the pile? Listen and find out.
We also review Star Wars Dark Times #13 and Detective Comics #683.
Neil Gaiman's strengths are definitely not with the capes and cowels....
We spoil stuff and have potty mouths so be warned.
We had so much fun with this episode we want to include listener feedback more often so if you want your emails read, no matter what they say, get them in before Tuesday nights at midnight.
On this week's belated episode of the Comic Couch we, in honor of the NFL, draft our own Super Teams! Who will go first? who will end up on the bottom of the pile? Listen and find out.
We also review Star Wars Dark Times #13 and Detective Comics #683.
Neil Gaiman's strengths are definitely not with the capes and cowels....
We spoil stuff and have potty mouths so be warned.
We had so much fun with this episode we want to include listener feedback more often so if you want your emails read, no matter what they say, get them in before Tuesday nights at midnight.
You can email us at