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The Comic Couch: April 2010

The Comic Couch

Weekly podcast straight out of Larry's Comics in Lowell, Massachusetts. We cover all things comic related, from books to movies. Contains explicit language and spoilers.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Comic couch Episode 88

The Return of Kris Carter.
What more needs to be said?
Kris, Denny, Patrick, Joe, Mike, Larry, and Miss Jesse all have something to say.
Along the the way we some how manage to review:
Guardians Of The Galaxy #25.
Green Lantern #53
We talk about Kick-Ass, Iron Man #2, and Scott Pilgrim.
This ain't no Good-Guy pod-cast.
Larry wanted to sing the theme to our show tonight.
Did I mention that Kris Cater was Back?
All complaints can be sent to

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Comic Couch Episode 87

We are all under Siege.
We need the Brightest-Day to help us.
Denny, Jarrod, Patrick, Joe, Mike, and Miss Jesse were all on hand tonight.
With so many people in the shop Larry had no room for his customers.
The ones who actually pay for their comic books.
And, speaking of comic Books we review:
Brightest-Day #0 (So what do you do when the dead are alive?).
Siege: Loki (The master of re-cap).
Siege: Captain America (Hey, take my shield).
Siege: Young Avengers (Those crazy kids).
It was one of those episodes.
Just listen....

Comic Couch Theme by Sardonic.
All complaints can be sent to

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Comic Couch Episode 86

Welcome to this week's Comic Couch.

There was no Jarrod or Joe they were out enjoying the wonderful weather.

So Denny and Patrick welcomes a new member to our pod-cast Mike McCarthy.

And, what a time for him to show up.

We remember

Dick Giordano.

We review

Flash: secret files & origins #1.

Invincible Returns #1.

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1.

We also talk about Steve Ditko's The Creeper

which came out on hard cover from DC.

And, don't forget about The Boston Comic Con this weekend.

Your friend Larry D. will be there.

New music theme mix by Sardonic.

Tell us what you think good or bad.

P.S. Has anyone figured out when Animal Man died?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Comic Couch Episode 85

What can we say about this weeks episode?
Denny, Jarrod, and Patrick were getting no love for Fila-buster Joe.
We did not talk about any news we got right down to the reviews.
This week...
Godland #31.
X-Men: The Second Coming.
Blackest-Night #8.
With the X-Men and the Blackest-Night battling it out for the book of the week there were no shortage of opinions.
Brad stop by to chime in.
And, Miss Jesse got tired of us and just left early.
Question: Does anyone remember when Animal Man Died?
DC Denny was stumped!!!!!!!
Let us know.

Comic Couch theme by Sardonic.