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The Comic Couch: June 2010

The Comic Couch

Weekly podcast straight out of Larry's Comics in Lowell, Massachusetts. We cover all things comic related, from books to movies. Contains explicit language and spoilers.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Comic Couch Episode 97

Welcome to Episode 97
This week we reveal that our DC Denny is the creative mastermind of Dynamite Entertainment.
Alex Ross & company wait every day for his words of wisdom.
It would explain why they have six Green Hornet series.
We are just lucky to have him.
Along with Denny we have Jarrod and Mike.
You can hear Miss Jesse in the background and Larry having a few choice words about
Patrick was sick he couldn't make it.
We review
Secret Warriors: Last ride of the Howling Commandos #17.
Green Arrow #1.
Dynamo 5 Sins of the father.
All complaints can be sent to

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Comic Couch Episode 96

Help to save The Savage Dragon
Please don't feed us
Rotten Meat.

If you are wondering what the hell that means tune in or download.
Sitting on the couch tonight is Denny, Jarrod, and Patrick.
Sharing some quality time with us is Brad, Larry, and Miss Jesse.
We review...
New Avengers #1 (Marvel).
The Spirit #3 (DC).
Savage Dragon #161 (Indy).

Our 100th episode is coming up.
Send us your e-mails

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Comic Couch Episode 95

Tom Strong- Tom Strong- Tom Strong

For those who complain that we do not review independent books we have plenty of them this week.
The reviewers are Denny, Jarrod, and Mike with a sprinkling of Larry and Miss Jesse.
The books are...
Brightest Day:Titans #24.
Captain America #606.
Hack/Slash #1.
Hawks of Outremer #1.
Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom #1.
All complaints can be sent to
Our 100Th episode is coming up we could use some more e-mail.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Comic Couch Episode 94

Welcome to Episode 94 NOT 95.
I goofed when we were recording.
This is our special Thursday edition because the comics did not ship Wednesday.
We only have Denny and Patrick.
Jarrod and Mike forgot what day it was but
Larry was kind enough to jump in and save us.
We review...
Superman/Batman Annual #4.
Avengers Prime #1 of 5.
Bullet Proof Coffin #1 of 6.
Red Hood: Lost Days #1 of 6.
Hawk eye/Mockingbird #1.

We are getting close to Episode #100.
Send us some e-mail to help us celebrate.